During the visit Mr. Stefanos Vallianatos headed a meeting of all the local members, including some potential new members, like the Museum of Modern Greek Art of Rhodes, the Music School of Rhodes, the Rhodes Musicians Associations, the Federation of Cultural Associations of Rhodes. The meeting took place on October 30 at the Plaza Hotel and had a duration of 1.5 hours. Its agenda included an update on the re-activation of the Network, its new priorities in light of the Med Forum 2020 and the revamped role of the focal points to the operation of the network.
The next morning Mr. Vallianatos had two meetings:
1. with the Vice Mayor on Tourism, Culture and International Relations, Mr. Konstantinos Taraslias. The strong presence of the network in Rhodes was noted, and potential further actions in Rhodes where discussed, including the 2021 GA of the network scheduled to take place in Rhodes.
2. With Mr. Manos Kalaintzis, Scientific Assistant of Alexis Georgoulis, MEP. Mr. Kalaintzis was visiting Rhodes in order to start mapping the needs of cultural organizations and stake holders in order for a Road Map for the support of Culture and Civic Society to be created and launced under the auspices of the European Parliament.
In both meetings, Mr. Vallianatos was escorted by Michael Kavuklis, President of the House of Europe in Rhodes and in charge of the Focal Point of Eastern Greece, and Stavros Chrysochos, Treasurer of the House of Europe in Rhodes.
Following the visit of Mr. Valianatos, calls to further explore possible new memberships where held for the Museum of Modern Greek Art of Rhodes, the Music School of Rhodes, the Rhodes Musicians Associations, the Federation of Cultural Associations of Rhodes. The potential of a membership was held for further discussion in the respective boards of the organizations, with expected results early in 2020.