Present project, consisting of 20 participants from 10 different partner organisations,
of ALF's hellenic network, addresses social issues through intercultural dialogue
education. The activities of this project will be based on combined formal and nonformal
education, dealing with topics of intolerance, discrimination, confrontation (of
various forms), hateful speech, etc. “Ambassadors of Intercultural Dialogue
Education” will be composed of three separate seminars, each lasting one week.
During the seminars, participants will be involved into several activities, aiming in
the promotion of intercultural dialogue and human rights, in order to acquire new
skills, attitudes and notions, regarding civil values such as active citizenship, social
inclusiveness and prosperity. Additionally, after the project, participants are expected
to return to their organisations determined to abolish stereotypes and prejudice in
their local communities, through realisation of their own initiaves that will multiply
the effects of this project.
Training course activities:
The realisation of the project will consist of three separate seminars (first seminar:
Intercultural Dialogue and Human Rights, second seminar: Intercultural Dialogue and
Conflict Management, third seminar: The step from Xenophobia to Xenophilia).
Online preliminary/preparatory activities
Mapping our communities
Team building (comfort in approach, environment for fertile discussions)
Intercultural workshops (embracing diversity, respect towards the human
Experiential learning (mental broadening, use of appropriate arguments)
Multilateral/bilateral debating (constructive and mutually gainful approach,
compromise against confrontation)
Thought shower (sharing impressions about the project, plans about future
Follow up networking (aiming broader future projects)