Social Cooperative Activities for Vulnerable Groups - K.S.D.E.O. "EDRA" is a non-profit organization, being active in the field of Mental Health and Mental Retardation since 2001, with the objective of promoting mental health, defending the rights of vulnerable groups, informing and sensitizing the general public on mental health.
Our organization is certified with an ISO 9001:2008; it also has an Administrative Efficiency Certification issued by the Hellenic Organization for Standardization and is regulated by the Transparency Register of the European Union (524950719942-02). It is also a member of the National Register of the Private Sector Non Profit Organizations providing social services, as well as in the Special Register of the Voluntary Non Governmental Organizations (09112ΣΥΤ12066041Ν0042).and in the Register of Cultural Organizations of the Ministry of Culture.
It is also a member of distinguished networks such as N.E.F.E.L.E. Network (Network of European Arts Festivals for Mental Health) currently serving as President of the Board, E.N.A.L.M.H. (European Network of Active Living for Mental Health) currently serving as Vice- President of the Board, EUFAMI (European Federation of People with Mental Illness), “ARGO”, the Federation of organizations for the Psycho-social Rehabilitation and Mental Health in Greece, a member of the Federation of Voluntary Non-governmental Organizations of Greece etc